
Free Delivery

Ask your pharmacist, Robert W. PharmD
If I have no refills remaining, can I still request a refill online?
Yes, we will contact your physician for you to request a refill. You will be required to enter your phone number so we may contact you at a later time.
Do you deliver and where?
We deliver from Winston to North Roseburg. Mon-Fri
What if I forgot to pick up my prescription at the indicated time?
We will hold you prescription for seven days. If you've forgotten to pick up your prescription in this time, we will return your prescription to stock and the prescription will be placed on hold, call us and we'll be happy to refill it.
Can I pick up my mother's prescription? What information do I need?
You must show the proper identification and you must date of birth for the patient whose prescription you are picking up.
Can I use my prescription card at your pharmacy?
Yes, we support most major insurance companies.
Do you accept prescription discount cards?
We only accept discount cards from the manufacturer.
What is a Prior Authorization or PA?
A Prior Authorization is when your insurance requires more information from your doctor before they will approve or deny the claim. This process usually take 3-5 business days.
When are deliveries made? When can i expect my prescriptions?
Deliveries are made Mon-Fri after 3:00pm. Our driver leaves for his first run after 3:00pm and returns around 5:30pm, then leaves for a later run after 6:00pm.
Do I need to prepay for my prescriptions if I want them delivered?
No you do not, our driver can take cash, card, or check payments when he arrives. Note that our driver does not carry any change for cash transactions so the amount will need to be paid exact.
How do I set up delivery?
Call our pharmacy! That's it. We will set it up for you over the phone.
How long does a refill take to fill?
We strive to work as quickly and safely as possible. Refills are ready the following day.